Book Keeping Services
Table of Contents
Book keeping service
At Naail & Co, we provide detailed book keeping services. These services include entering of purchase and sales invoices, posting bank payments and receipts, reconciling bank and credit card accounts, maintaining suppliers and customers ledgers, using appropriate nominal codes and tax codes etc. Alternatively, you can do your own books and we can provide review only service.
VAT returns
We believe once the books are done properly, running a VAT return should be a matter of couple of clicks. Few tests on such VAT return would then obviously ensure that VAT figures are correct. Once we prepare and perform such tests on VAT return, we send the return for your approval/authorisation. Once you are satisfied with the figures contained therein and consequently approve the VAT return, we submit it to HMRC on your behalf.
Book keeping software
As a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, we deal with all mainstream book keeping software and are partners with the market leading cloud based portals. We will guide you through in the initial set up of your software and then provide you guidance and assistance on ongoing basis. We can do you start to end book keeping or if you prefer, you can do your own books and we can review it on periodic basis.
Book keeping complexities
Depending on the nature and transactions of your business, you may be required to prepare and submit certain other returns and forms like EC sales list, Intrastat declarations etc. We provide full assistance in preparation of such returns or we can prepare the returns on your behalf and submit them to HMRC, once approved.
On-site & Off-site book keeping
We, at Naail & Co, pride ourselves in providing flexible services to all our clients, keeping their specific needs in consideration. We can send our experienced staff to your premises, should you prefer on-site book keeping. Alternatively, we can do your books off-site at our office. You can provide us with your book keeping records in whatever shape and form you like. Please discuss your preferred method of transferring records with us.

Our service to you
If you are a self employed, business owner/director of company looking to get your accountancy and taxation matters sorted, look no further. We are pro-active and easily accessible accountants and tax advisors, who will not only ensure that all your filing obligations are up to date with Companies House and HMRC, but also you do not pay a penny more in taxes than you have to. We work on a fixed fee basis and provide same day response to all your phone and email enquiries. We will also allocate a designated accounts manager who would have better understanding of your and business financial and taxation affairs. Book a free consultation call using the link below.
Related pages:
Get further information from the following pages;
Related Blogs:
Get further information from the following blogs;
HMRC to relaunch VAT Registration Scheme (VRS)
VAT on commissions and referral fees
Bad debt VAT relief and VAT compliance
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