Volunteer Management Charity policy

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Charity policy - Volunteer Management
Charity policy - Volunteer Management

Here is a comprehensive “Volunteer Management Policy” for a registered charity, aligned with the Charity Commission for England & Wales guidelines. Replace “[Charity name] with the actual name of the charity throughout the document.

This policy provides a structured approach to volunteer management for [Charity name], ensuring compliance with Charity Commission guidelines.


Volunteer Management Policy

[Charity Name]



As a registered charity, [Charity name] recognizes the significant role that volunteers play in supporting its charitable objectives. This Volunteer Management Policy aims to ensure that all volunteers are managed effectively, treated fairly, and engaged in meaningful activities that benefit both the charity and the volunteers themselves. This policy also ensures that the registered charity complies with relevant legal requirements and follows best practices in volunteer management.

  1. Purpose
  • The purpose of this Volunteer Management Policy is to:

– Establish a clear framework for recruiting, managing, and supporting volunteers.

– Ensure that [Charity name], as a registered charity, maximizes the benefits of volunteer contributions while meeting legal and regulatory obligations.

– Create a positive and inclusive volunteering experience for all individuals who wish to contribute their time and skills to the charity.

– Promote volunteer retention and development within the registered charity.

  1. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to:

– All volunteers engaged by [Charity name], regardless of their role, length of service, or background.

– Trustees, staff, and any other individuals involved in the management of volunteers.

2.2 This policy covers all aspects of volunteer management, including recruitment, induction, training, support, supervision, recognition, and exit processes.

  1. Volunteer Recruitment

3.1 Equal Opportunities

3.1.1 [Charity name] is committed to providing equal opportunities for all potential volunteers. The charity does not discriminate against individuals based on age, gender, race, religion, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. The registered charity encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds.

3.1.2 Volunteer recruitment will be open, transparent, and fair. Opportunities will be advertised widely, and applicants will be selected based on their skills, experience, and motivation to contribute to the charity’s objectives.

3.2 Role Descriptions

3.2.1 Each volunteer role within [Charity name] will have a clear and detailed role description outlining:

– The tasks and responsibilities involved.

– The skills, experience, and qualifications required (if any).

– The expected time commitment.

– The support and supervision available.

3.2.2 Role descriptions will be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant to the charity’s needs and reflect changes in volunteer expectations.

  1. Volunteer Induction and Training

4.1 Induction Process

4.1.1 All new volunteers will undergo an induction process designed to introduce them to [Charity name], its mission, and its activities. This induction will include:

– An overview of the registered charity’s aims, values, and policies.

– A briefing on the volunteer’s specific role, responsibilities, and expectations.

– Information on health and safety procedures, safeguarding, and confidentiality requirements.

– An introduction to key staff, other volunteers, and relevant stakeholders.

4.2 Training

4.2.1 Volunteers will be provided with appropriate training to enable them to perform their roles effectively and safely. Training may include:

– Role-specific skills training (e.g., first aid, communication skills).

– Training on the charity’s policies and procedures, including safeguarding and financial controls.

– Ongoing development opportunities to enhance skills and knowledge as the volunteer’s role evolves.

4.2.2 The registered charity will review volunteer training needs periodically to ensure they receive adequate support and development.

  1. Volunteer Support and Supervision

5.1 Support Structures

5.1.1 [Charity name] is committed to providing all volunteers with the support they need to carry out their roles effectively. Volunteers will be assigned a designated staff member or volunteer coordinator who will be their main point of contact.

5.1.2 Regular meetings or check-ins will be held between volunteers and their supervisors to provide feedback, discuss progress, and address any concerns or challenges.

5.2 Supervision

5.2.1 Volunteers may receive formal or informal supervision, depending on the nature of their role. Supervision ensures that:

– Volunteers understand their tasks and responsibilities.

– Their work aligns with the registered charity’s mission and goals.

– They feel supported and engaged in their roles.


  1. Health and Safety

6.1 Health and Safety Responsibilities

6.1.1 [Charity name] takes its duty of care to volunteers seriously. As a registered charity, it is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for all volunteers by:

– Complying with health and safety laws and regulations.

– Providing appropriate training, resources, and equipment for volunteers to carry out their roles safely.

– Conducting risk assessments for volunteer activities to identify and mitigate potential hazards.

6.2 Incident Reporting

6.2.1 Volunteers must report any accidents, incidents, or health and safety concerns to their designated supervisor immediately. The charity will investigate any incidents and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence.

  1. Safeguarding

7.1 Safeguarding Vulnerable Beneficiaries

7.1.1 [Charity name], as a registered charity, is committed to safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries, including children and vulnerable adults. Volunteers who work with these groups will be subject to safeguarding policies and procedures.

7.1.2 All volunteers who work with vulnerable groups must undergo safeguarding training and, where required, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before commencing their roles.

7.2 Safeguarding Volunteers

7.2.1 [Charity name] is equally committed to safeguarding its volunteers, ensuring that they are protected from harm, bullying, and harassment in the course of their duties. Any concerns about volunteer welfare will be addressed promptly and in line with the charity’s safeguarding policy.

  1. Volunteer Conduct and Expectations

8.1 Code of Conduct

8.1.1 Volunteers are expected to adhere to [Charity name]’s code of conduct, which sets out standards of behavior expected of volunteers, including:

– Acting in the best interests of the registered charity at all times.

– Treating beneficiaries, staff, other volunteers, and the public with respect and dignity.

– Maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding sensitive information related to the charity’s work.

– Following the charity’s policies on equality, diversity, health and safety, and safeguarding.

8.2 Managing Disputes or Grievances

8.2.1 [Charity name] will handle any disputes or grievances involving volunteers fairly and in accordance with its grievance policy. Volunteers will have the right to express their concerns and have them addressed in a transparent manner.

  1. Recognition and Reward

9.1 [Charity name] values the contributions of its volunteers and is committed to recognizing and rewarding their efforts. This may include:

– Offering regular opportunities for feedback and reflection.

– Public recognition of volunteer contributions through newsletters, events, or awards.

– Providing references or letters of appreciation to volunteers who have completed significant periods of service.

9.2 The registered charity will also ensure that volunteers have access to training and development opportunities as part of their volunteering experience.

  1. Volunteer Expenses

10.1 [Charity name] will reimburse volunteers for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of their volunteering, in accordance with the charity’s expense policy. Reimbursable expenses may include:

– Travel costs to and from the charity’s premises or events.

– Costs associated with meals during volunteering shifts.

– Other expenses directly related to the volunteer’s role, as agreed in advance.

10.2 Volunteers must submit claims for expenses using the charity’s standard expense claim forms, accompanied by receipts where applicable.

  1. Volunteer Insurance

11.1 [Charity name], as a registered charity, has insurance coverage in place to protect volunteers while they are engaged in charity activities. This includes public liability insurance and personal accident insurance.

11.2 The charity will inform volunteers about the extent of insurance coverage and any limitations that may apply to their roles.

  1. Volunteer Data and Confidentiality

12.1 Data Protection

12.1.1 [Charity name] will collect and process personal data about volunteers in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes:

– Storing volunteer information securely.

– Limiting access to personal data to authorized individuals.

– Only using data for purposes relevant to the volunteer’s role within the charity.

12.2 Confidentiality

12.2.1 Volunteers must maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive or personal information related to [Charity name]’s activities, beneficiaries, or other volunteers. Breaches of confidentiality may result in the volunteer’s role being terminated.

  1. Volunteer Exit Process

13.1 Volunteers are free to end their relationship with [Charity name] at any time. When volunteers decide to leave the charity, an exit interview or feedback session will be conducted to:

– Thank the volunteer for their contributions.

– Obtain feedback on their volunteering experience.

– Offer references or certificates of service where appropriate.

13.2 The registered charity may also end a volunteer’s involvement if the volunteer no longer meets the requirements of the role, behaves inappropriately, or breaches the charity’s policies.

  1. Compliance with Charity Commission Guidance

14.1 [Charity name], as a registered charity, is committed to adhering to the Charity Commission for England & Wales’ guidance on volunteer management. The charity will ensure that it:

– Complies with all legal requirements related to volunteers.

– Regularly reviews and updates its volunteer management practices.

– Reports any incidents or concerns involving volunteers to the relevant authorities, as required by law.

  1. Policy Review

15.1 This Volunteer Management Policy will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees to ensure it remains effective and aligned with the charity’s objectives and regulatory requirements.

15.2 Any changes to this policy will be communicated to volunteers and staff to ensure continued compliance.

Signed: ……………………………………. 

[Chair of the Board of Trustees] 


Click here for comprehensive charity information. 


Naail & Co provides these policy templates solely as guidelines or standard templates to assist charities in developing their own policies in accordance with Charity Commission England & Wales compliance. These templates are not intended to serve as legal or professional advice, and Naail & Co cannot be held responsible or liable for any outcomes arising from their use. It is essential that each registered charity carefully tailors and customizes these policies to reflect its specific needs, structure, and legal obligations. We strongly recommend that charities seek independent legal or professional advice to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Click here for comprehensive charity information. 

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